Tecnología de fabricación de los componentes fundidos de la bomba centrífuga PN-40 para los vehículos de extinción de incendios
La presente investigación muestra la solución al problema existente en el país sobre
la necesidad de fabricar los componentes fundidos de las bombas centrifugas PN –
40 empleando el potencial en el territorio holguinero bajo las condiciones actuales
en la industria sideromecánica cubana, logrando implementar la tecnología que
garantizan: la productividad, eficacia en la tecnología y la producción a escala
industrial que satisfaga las necesidades existentes en el país. Se expone en detalles
todos los elementos que componen la metodología para el desarrollo de la fundición
de los componentes de esta bomba empleando aleaciones adecuadas al trabajo que
se realiza y la metodología seguida con el fin de demostrar y comprobar la hipótesis
planteada. Se analizan casos reales a través de antecedentes de fabricación y da
una valoración socioeconómica con un análisis del costo y la sustitución de
importaciones. This work deals with the design of a milling machine to obtain plywood using the breed of bamboo which because of its wide spread in Cuba is one of the few that can be industrially processed: Bambusa Vulgaris Sharades Ex Wenland. This specific species represents a real challenge in technologies conception, due to its extremely variable and complex geometry, in such a way, that although it is abundant in so many other countries, it is used only in craftsmanship and as combustible. Designing
a machine capable of milling the curved and twisted splits of Bambusa Vulgaris
required the application of methodologies allowing the generic identification of the
adequate modules for each step in the process: milling, polishing and pressing and
the use of the reconfigurability concept. The milling machine designed to process this
bamboo type has like main feature the fact of being reconfigurable, that is to say, to
be able to vary its functions, through small changes that are carried out with easiness
and speed. The reconfigurability facilitates the design of machines with multiple
functions, the reduction of the auxiliary times, of the time of preparation and setting,
and the time of maintenance and repairs. The design reconfigurable of the milling
machine was based on a reference model for the development of reconfigurables
machine tools.